Dec 3, 2015

Transportation episodes that will distract our mind

Practically Transportation brings such a change in our life standards. Present transportation privilege creates circumstances for getting access towards the destination places easily and quickly. The United States civilian depends upon the transportation not only to get to the work but to participate in different social activities as health care access, going for shopping, acquiring education facilities, employment opportunities, so on.

From all of its benefits to the nation, however, transportation inflicts higher expenses/cost and ruins the precious time in busy traffic congestion, increasing injuries and deaths due to road accidents or crashes. These facts determine the query for introducing some special transportation facilities that will be able to support lower incomes groups and senior citizens for making their health goals achievable.

The following discussion highlights information developed in recent reports by TRB and other divisions of the National Research Council. Here are the most episodic topics that make the transportation more terrific:


The performance of the transportation system is neither reliable nor resilient, yet transportation’s role in economic revival and in global economic competition has never been more important.
      In many major metropolitan areas, motorists who must arrive at their destinations on time must allow 60 minutes for trips that take only 20 minutes in lighter traffic


The nation suffers significant, avoidable deaths and injuries every year, although safety has improved markedly.
     Almost all transportation fatalities — approximately 94% occur on highways and mostly involve passenger vehicle crashes.


Inadequate funding sources for public infrastructure impede the performance and safety of the transportation system, but alternative sources of funding may place a larger financial burden on users who are least able to pay.
      New technologies and innovations that promise more efficient and sustainable travel have been implemented haltingly and incompletely, particularly in the public sector.


The costs for maintaining and improving public roads and highways exceed $100 billion annually; indications are that this level of investment is inadequate (22–24). Obtaining federal funds to maintain and expand the transportation system will be a challenge.


Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS).
National Transportation Statistics,
Census Transportation Planning Products,
National Bicycling and Walking Study.

U.S. Department of Transportation,

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