Jan 12, 2016

Non-Emergency Transportation: a Senior Care Program

Senior care, simply Eldercare (also known as aged care) means providing the supportive services to the senior people or physically challenged seniors a to fulfill their requirements during every situation and any circumstances. It includes special needs transportation, assisted living, dementia or Alzheimer supportive services, long term support services, etc. Due to aging, senior people detect problems while performing their day-to-day activities. Sometimes these minor problems converted into critical issues due to accidental injuries and falls. Because of the wide variety of elderly care programs, senior care services can’t be limited to any one practice. The form of senior care services varies amongst the various countries and changing rapidly as to making it more effective.

In Traditional situations, senior care services are limited up to the responsibilities of family members and extend to the home. As time passes, technology arrive new methods for delivering assistance to the senior people. Now non-emergency Medical transportation services enabled to deal with such caring and assistance needs (a recommended method under the Patient Protection and Affordable Act). In the Unites States, female caregivers may spend as much as 50% more time providing care than male caregivers.

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services the older population—persons 65 years or older—numbered 39.6 million in 2009. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000, which is expected to grow to be 19% of the population.

Last-year-of-life expenses represent 22% of all medical spending in the United States, 26% of all Medicare spending, 18% of all non-Medicare spending, and 25 percent of all Medicaid spending for the poor.

Thus Non-Emergency Medical Transportation services makes possibility to deliver effective senior care services. It helps to promote independence amongst the aged persons. Promoting independence in self-care can provide older adults with the capability to maintain independence longer and can leave them with a sense of achievement when they complete a task unaided. It is important for caregivers to ensure that measures are put into place to preserve and promote function rather than contribute to a decline in status in an older adult that has physical limitations. Caregivers need to be conscious of actions and behaviors that cause older adults to become dependent on them and need to allow older patients to maintain as much independence as possible. 

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